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Updated: May 4, 2021

For 2 people (Double Recipe if needed)


1 large romaine or 2 baby romaine

olive oil

smoked sea salt flakes

fresh cracked black pepper


Cutting board


cast iron grill or your favorite grill


landing tray


Slice romaine lengthwise leaving root intact. Rinse each side under cold water, then pat each leaf dry individually. Tedious but worth it. TRUST.


If you are using a cast iron grill, now is the time to turn that thing on high. It will start smoking after a bit, when it does, panic. But do it calmly. Anyway, oil your grill, with a paper towel dipped in oil. After you’ve oiled your grill, turn heat to low for a minute. After that minute, turn that thing back on high. What you’ve done now is season your pan & nothing should stick. (Applies to cast iron only) Non stick grills, uses as you use. The fun part: Take your DRY lettuce halves and face them flat side down on your grill & count sheep. 60 sheeps later, utilize those tongs we talked about earlier. Flip those bad leaves. You should see grill marks. (I hope you do or you’ll have to count more sheep) grill the other side for another minute, then remove from heat and set it on your landing tray. Grab your plates, set your grilled lettuce where you want it (on plate of course) pinch some smoked salt & crack that pepper on top, then drizzle with my Homemade Vegan Caesar dressing. Conveniently located & available in my shop.

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